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Your investment in Snowflake is further enhanced by leveraging natively executed services where the data footprint already lives. Truelty allows you to execute best-of-breed Identity Resolution right within that footprint. This also eliminates costly data transfer fees to 3rd parties.

If the real world looked like your data, cloning would appear to be in vogue.

This is because each application in your organization has its own record for “Johnny Appleseed”. This happens because over his lifetime He interacts with different touchpoints like filling out forms, calling into the call center, and clicking on ads etc. When the data from each of these applications comes together it looks like you have multiple Johnny Appleseeds doing business with our organization. The traditional approach for dealing with this issue is to ship your data off to a 3rd party company to match all the customer profiles that are similar and ship the data back. This clucky process is not only risky but also decentralized. This is where Truelty comes into the picture. Truelty brings the power of identity resolution processing right into your Snowflake environment.

Take the
code to the
data, not
the data to
the code

Your investment in Snowflake makes it possible for your entire organization to leverage high scale data processing and analytics in one place. So why would you move the data outside your Snowflake environment to do identity resolution? Truelty brings the Identity Resolution code to your Snowflake instance, allowing you full control over the security of your data.

Additionally, this means that the unique customer clusters can live right where your data already is. No querying an outside service. Additionally, the Truelty GUI has no access to your private data elements, rather it just controls the Truelty Identity Resolution application which pushes down the necessary code in your Snowflake instance to generate the unique customer clusters within your data. So you get all the benefits of unique record cluster IDs without ever risking the loss of data custody.

Truelty is built by the founders of Intricity which is one of the first Snowflake partners in their community. After implementing Identity Resolution for clients needing this valuable service, they took a deep dive into how Snowflake’s latest developments of Asynchronous queries and native PySpark could be leveraged to generate a Snowflake native Identity Resolution Engine.

After extensive research and development Truelty has created a fully native Snowflake-ran Identity Resolution engine. The compute features follow the very latest capabilities within the Snowflake stack for packing and managing Snowflake compute resources. Amazingly, most of Truelty’s footprint can run on XSmall warehouses for billions of records. This means that not only will you be able to take advantage of Truelty’s market leading pricing, but also low compute costs for your customer identity computation.

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